5 out of 5 stars from 1 reviews.
[-]’t be fooled. They’ll [-] you with a [-] carpet and then treat you like garbage once they have your money. I am truly, truly shocked and deeply hurt by [-] poorly we have been treated by this bank. Not returning phone calls time after time after time, sending inaccurate [-] to [-] credit agencies, [-] pay errors where duplicate payments are sent out resulting in overdrafts, escrows not being setup correctly, negative and unnecessary actions in [-] [-] insurance department... and worst off, not admitting their errors, and then acting snooty when we even suggest they made a mistake. We did all of our [-] through this bank and we are DONE. I’m sick of being let down and having to depend on these amateurs who just [-]’t seem to show [-] slightest bit of care, urgency, or competency toward ANY aspect of their jobs. There are plenty of banks in Chadron. Stay away from this one. They are awful.