1 out of 5 stars from 1 reviews.
Terrible , I went into this location , no one was there in all this huge bank , but one lady , she couldn't not answer any of [-] questions , and I [-] where is everyone in this bank employees , I [-] there is no employees at all no where , that she was [-] only one there in [-] huge bank and it was dark and look like it was closing , I [-] to her what is going on and where is all [-] employees , she just laughed , I [-] is this bank closing , she [-] no, but laughed again. It was a black lady , i [-] to her no employees are here at all , no one there is no one in [-] bank but u , what is going on and where are all [-] people that use to work here , where are [-] employees, no one is here at all just u , i [-] [-] bank is empty, i [-] it must be closing. That in all [-] years in Columbus Ms. I have never seen this branch bank look so bad , it is awful , huge beautiful bank [-] , been there for years , no employees where inside at all , one black girl in all [-] whole bank , every office closed dark inside , look like [-] end of [-] world , she could not answer any banking question , at all , just awful , pitiful. I [-] definitely be looking for a [-] bank , no customer service, no employees inside , but one person, and she could not answer or help [-] . Pittyfull to see regions going down like this .