4 out of 5 stars from 2 reviews.
Lobby hours are 9:00am to 4:00pm, no Saturday hours. These are their "Covid" hours, they've yet to return to normal, full service hours. VERY inconvenient for [-] working adult.
Further, [-] Alvord location lacks [-] ATM. Definitely not what I'd consider "Full Service." Having talked with Management, there are [-] plans to add [-] ATM, nor revert to full service lobby hours. Again, a HUGE inconvenience, and definitely not what [-] Modern World would consider "Full Service."
Have been using this bank for at least [-] years. All [-] staff has been friendly and helpful
And this is one of [-] few places where staff remember your name. [-] bank staff are trusted and respected in this area and that’s [-] reason I went to this bank in [-] first place.