Citizens Bank, National Association Corporate

Citizens Bank, National Association has 1,079 banking locations. Their corporate headquarters address is listed as: 1 Citizens Plz in Providence Rhode Island.

This corporate page for Citizens Bank, National Association includes ratings, a link to bring you to all Citizens Bank, National Association locations in Columbus and all other branches, reviews, corporate details, directions, office hours, their phone number, online banking website, and branch locations.

Citizens Bank, National Association Headquarters
Citizens Bank, National Association Corporate Headquarters Address:
Citizens Bank, National Association
1 Citizens Plz
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Citizens Bank in Columbus
All banks in Columbus
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Citizens Bank, National Association Headquarters Phone Number: (401) 456-7096

If you are not looking for their corporate location, but a Citizens Bank, National Association branch location close to you or somewhere else:
Simply enter the city and/or zip code below, and we will return all Citizens Bank, National Association branches in that area.
Skip to Complaints, Ratings, and Reviews
Citizens Bank, National Association Headquarters Map
Citizens Bank, National Association Location Area Map

Citizens Bank, National Association Lobby Hours
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Citizens Bank, National Association Overview
This section was Last checked and updated, on our end, 1/28/2024.
Bank's Headquarters:
1 Citizens Plz
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Became FDIC Insured:
Corporate Website:
Corporate Structure
Number of Branches:
US Bank Branches:
Foreign Offices:
Bank Class:
Commercial bank, national (federal) charter and Fed member, supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).
Last Structure Change:
Bank Specialty/Focus:
Commercial Lending Specialization
Bank Holding Company:
Parent FDIC Cert#:
NA - Not listed as a child of a larger bank.
SAIF Insured:
State Chartered:
Financial Snapshot
Deposits Held Domestically:
Equity Capital:
Net Income:
Additional Websites where they accept or solicit for deposits:
FDIC Oversight
FDIC Region:
FDIC Supervisory Region:
New York
Federal Reserve District:
FDIC Field Office:
South Boston
Branch Locations for Citizens Bank, National Association
Citizens Bank Medium Logo
The following is a directory of all branch offices for Citizens Bank, National Association. Below that are any complaints and ratings available as well as the ability to leave one yourself if you wish :)
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LINCOLN BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
10 Lumber Yard Dr
Lincoln, New Hampshire 02903
MEREDITH BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
66 Nh Route 25
Meredith, New Hampshire 02903
PITTSFIELD BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
54 Main St
Pittsfield, New Hampshire 02903
PLYMOUTH BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
20 Highland St
Plymouth, New Hampshire 02903
MCKEE SQUARE BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
88 South St
Concord, New Hampshire 02903
CAPITAL PLAZA BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
1 Capital Plz
Concord, New Hampshire 02903
LOUDON ROAD BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
188 Loudon Rd
Concord, New Hampshire 02903
Concord Shaws Branch - Citizens Bank
20 Fort Eddy Road
Concord, New Hampshire 02903
Penacook Branch - Citizens Bank
339 Village Street
Penacook, New Hampshire 02903
KEENE BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
15 Main St
Keene, New Hampshire 02903
Berlin Branch - Citizens Bank
173 Pleasant Street
Berlin, New Hampshire 02903
COLEBROOK BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
104 Main St
Colebrook, New Hampshire 02903
CLAREMONT BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
74 Pleasant St
Claremont, New Hampshire 02903
HANOVER BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
44 S Main St
Hanover, New Hampshire 02903
Lebanon Main Branch - Citizens Bank
20 West Park Street
Lebanon, New Hampshire 02903
WEST LEBANON BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
1 Interchange Dr
West Lebanon, New Hampshire 02903
PORTSMOUTH BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
134 Pleasant St
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 02903
Portsmouth Shaws Branch - Citizens Bank
1600-28 Woodbury Avenue
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 02903
Conway Branch - Citizens Bank
234 White Mountain Hwy, Ste. 1
Conway, New Hampshire 02903
DOVER BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
140 Washington St
Dover, New Hampshire 02903
BARRINGTON BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
581 Franklin Pierce Hwy
Barrington, New Hampshire 02903
EXETER BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
154 Water St
Exeter, New Hampshire 02903
Exeter Drive Up Branch - Citizens Bank
11 Front Street
Exeter, New Hampshire 02903
HAMPTON BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
35 Winnacunnet Rd
Hampton, New Hampshire 02903
Hampton Hannaford Branch - Citizens Bank
630 Lafayette Road
Hampton, New Hampshire 02903
HAMPTON FALLS BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
81 Lafayette Rd
Hampton Falls, New Hampshire 02903
NORTH CONWAY BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
2779 White Mountain Hwy
North Conway, New Hampshire 02903
NORTH HAMPTON BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
65 Lafayette Rd
North Hampton, New Hampshire 02903
Ossipee Branch - Citizens Bank
930 Route 16
Ossipee, New Hampshire 02903
ROCHESTER BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
90 N Main St
Rochester, New Hampshire 02903
Rochester Hannaford Shop n Save Br - Citizens Bank
26 Lilac Mall, Unit 1
Rochester, New Hampshire 02903
Rochester Drive Up Branch - Citizens Bank
48 Portland Street
Rochester, New Hampshire 02903
Rollinsford Branch - Citizens Bank
405 Portland Avenue
Rollinsford, New Hampshire 02903
TRI CITY PLAZA DRIVE UP BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
56 Tri City Plz
Somersworth, New Hampshire 02903
SOMERSWORTH BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
1 Constitutional Way
Somersworth, New Hampshire 02903
Somersworth Walmart Branch - Citizens Bank
59 Walton's Way
Somersworth, New Hampshire 02903
STRATHAM BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
38 Portsmouth Ave
Stratham, New Hampshire 02903
Stratham Shaws Branch - Citizens Bank
100 Shaw's Lane
Stratham, New Hampshire 02903
WOLFEBORO BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
70 S Main St
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire 02903
White River Junction Branch - Citizens Bank
155 Maple Street
White River Junction, Vermont 02903
Woodstock Branch - Citizens Bank
431 Woodstock Road
Woodstock, Vermont 02903
Springfield Vt Branch - Citizens Bank
2 Chester Road Ste 15
Springfield, Vermont 02903
BRATTLEBORO - Citizens Bank, National Association
894 Putney Rd
Brattleboro, Vermont 02903
Bondville Branch - Citizens Bank
59 Main Street
Bondville, Vermont 02903
BURLINGTON BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
148 College St
Burlington, Vermont 02903
SOUTH BURLINGTON BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
1117 Shelburne Rd
South Burlington, Vermont 02903
ESSEX JUNCTION BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
84 Pearl St
Essex Junction, Vermont 02903
ST. ALBANS BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
152 S Main St
Saint Albans, Vermont 02903
Shelburne Branch - Citizens Bank
5068 Shelburne Road
Shelburne, Vermont 02903
Vergennes Branch - Citizens Bank
186 Main St.
Vergennes, Vermont 02903
WILLISTON BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
68 Helena Dr
Williston, Vermont 02903
RUTLAND - Citizens Bank, National Association
47 Merchants Row
Rutland, Vermont 02903
Rutland Drive Thru Branch - Citizens Bank
47 Merchants Row
Rutland, Vermont 02903
Castleton Branch - Citizens Bank
643 Main Street
Castleton, Vermont 02903
Poultney Branch - Citizens Bank
177 Main Street
Poultney, Vermont 02903
WEST PAWLET - Citizens Bank, National Association
1108 Vt Route 149
West Pawlet, Vermont 02903
MANCHESTER BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
354 Broad St
Manchester, Connecticut 02903
ROCKY HILL BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
856 Cromwell Ave
Rocky Hill, Connecticut 02903
Silas Deane Highway Branch - Citizens Bank
1780 Silas Deane Highway
Rocky Hill, Connecticut 02903
Trumbull Street Hartford Branch - Citizens Bank
190 Trumbull Street
Hartford, Connecticut 02903
WEST HARFORD BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
15 S Main St
West Hartford, Connecticut 02903
NEW LONDON BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
470 Bank St
New London, Connecticut 02903
New London Shopping Center Branch - Citizens Bank
328 South Frontage Rd
New London, Connecticut 02903
FLANDERS BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
15 Chesterfield Rd
East Lyme, Connecticut 02903
Gales Ferry Branch - Citizens Bank
1663 Route 12
Gales Ferry, Connecticut 02903
GROTON BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
816 Long Hill Rd
Groton, Connecticut 02903
MYSTIC BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
23 Broadway Ave
Mystic, Connecticut 02903
NIANTIC BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
43 Pennsylvania Ave
Niantic, Connecticut 02903
OLD LYME BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
83 Halls Rd
Old Lyme, Connecticut 02903
PLAINFIELD BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
16 Railroad Ave
Plainfield, Connecticut 02903
Pawcatuck Branch - Citizens Bank
46 West Broad Street
Pawcatuck, Connecticut 02903
MONTVILLE BRANCH - Citizens Bank, National Association
221 Norwich-New London Turnpike
Montville, Connecticut 02903
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Citizens Bank, National Association Complaints

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Complaint ID: 7576004

Product: Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports

Sub-Product: Credit reporting

Issue: Improper use of your report

Subissue: Reporting company used your report improperly


Complaint: Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act ( 15 USC 1681 ), it is essential to ensure that consumer reporting agencies act with fairness, impartiality, and respect for consumers ' privacy. XXXX and XXXX are such agencies, and as a consumer, you have the right to safeguard your private information, as reinforced by 15 USC 6801, which emphasizes the Congress 's policy for financial institutions to protect customer privacy and data security. Moreover, any financial institution, including " Furnisher of information to credit agencies, '' falls under this definition. According to 15 USC 1681 section 604 ( a ) ( 2 ), consumer reporting agencies can only furnish your consumer report if you provide written instructions to do so. XXXX, XXXX, and the financial institution ( Furnisher of information to credit agencies ) do not possess your consent or written authorization to share this information. In addition, 15 USC 6802 ( b ) ( c ) mandates that financial institutions can not disclose nonpublic personal information to nonaffiliated third parties without informing consumers of their right to prevent such disclosure. However, ( Furnisher of information to credit agencies ) did not inform you of this right. Furthermore, 15 USC 1681c ( a ) ( 5 ) prohibits consumer reporting agencies from including adverse information in your report without authorization, except for certain criminal convictions older than seven years. The account they are reporting without your permission violates this law. Additionally, 15 U.S. Code 1681s2 ( A ) ( 1 ) ( A ) states that no one should provide inaccurate information to consumer reporting agencies knowingly or with reasonable cause to believe it's inaccurate. XXXX and XXXX might be in violation here. Lastly, 15 U.S. Code 1681e mandates that consumer reporting agencies must maintain procedures to avoid violations of section 1681c and limit the distribution of consumer reports to authorized purposes, as specified in section 1681b. XXXX and XXXX 's procedures may not be in compliance. Finally, 12 CFR 1016.7 states that consumers have the right to opt out of reporting services at any time. Therefore, you are choosing to opt out of their reporting services.

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

Complaint ID: 7575558

Product: Checking or savings account

Sub-Product: Checking account

Issue: Problem caused by your funds being low

Subissue: Overdrafts and overdraft fees


Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX I reported an unauthorized purchase to XXXX in XXXX for {$310.00} made on XX/XX/XXXX. I called to make certain that the emergency XXXX day restoration of those funds were provided as promised in the call to Citizens Bank. Yesterday, during a subsequent discussion with Citizens, although each day funds are added to avoid overdraft fees, the bank wouldn't verify the emergency restoration promise, despite several attempts to stop the draining of my account. I can't possibly replace the large amount to avoid further problems with my account, and wonder how to possibly move forward without overdraft fees beginning today. Please advise.

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

Complaint ID: 7575023

Product: Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service

Sub-Product: Domestic (US) money transfer

Issue: Money was not available when promised



Complaint: Case # XXXX This case was filed over a month ago and all requested paperwork was sent and received. There has been no action taken by citizens bank to transfer the funds to the estate trust account provided by the estate attorney. Also no one has provided any information regarding this matter. No return phone calls or email responses.

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Citizens Bank, National Association Reviews and Ratings

Average Customer Rating

3 out of 5 stars from 55 reviews.

57957-Citizens Bank


[-] means a part of a review was redacted. Names, profanity, phone numbers, account numbers, and email addresses being the main reasons. False positives happen as well, better to ere on the side of safety we think.

Citizens Bank, National Association Name Changes
The following are other names Citizens Bank, National Association has been known by over the years:

In 2011 their name became: RBS Citizens, National Association.

In 2019 their name became: Citizens Bank, National Association.

Citizens Bank, National Association Headquarters' Locations
The following addresses are where Citizens Bank, National Association has had their headquarters:

Moved From: 833 BROADWAY to One Citizens Plaza, Providence, RI 02903.

Citizens Bank, National Association Mergers and Acquisitions
The following shows transitions that are what have ultimately result in Citizens Bank, National Association becoming what it is today, for better or worse.

Citizens Bank of Massachusetts (2007)
Citizens Bank of Rhode Island (2007)
Citizens Bank New Hampshire (2007)
Citizens Bank (2007)
Charter One Bank, National Association (2007)
Citizens Bank of Connecticut (2007)
RBS National Bank (2007)
Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania (2019)
Investors Bank (2022)