Deerwood Bank has 12 banking locations. Their corporate headquarters address is listed as: 131 6th Ave S in Waite Park Minnesota.
This corporate page for Deerwood Bank includes ratings, links to all Deerwood Bank branch profiles locations, reviews, corporate details, directions, office hours, their phone number, online banking website, and branch locations.
Deerwood Bank Corporate Headquarters Address:
Deerwood Bank
131 6th Ave S
Waite Park, Minnesota 56387
Get mobile directions from current location:
or enter a starting address:
Deerwood Bank Headquarters Phone Number:
(218) 534-3111
If you are not looking for their corporate location, but a Deerwood Bank branch location close to you or somewhere else:
Simply enter the city and/or zip code below, and we will return all Deerwood Bank branches in that area.
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Deerwood Bank Location Area Map
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Bank's Headquarters:
131 6th Ave S
Waite Park, Minnesota 56387
Became FDIC Insured:
Corporate Website:
Bank Class:
Commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember, supervised by the FDIC.
Last Structure Change:
Bank Specialty/Focus:
Commercial Lending Specialization
Bank Holding Company:
Parent FDIC Cert#:
NA - Not listed as a child of a larger bank.
Deposits Held Domestically:
Equity Capital:
FDIC Supervisory Region:
Kansas City
Federal Reserve District:
Kansas City
FDIC Field Office:
The ABA allows 2 lookups per day. You will have to agree to their terms and fill out their search box with the bank's name, city, and select the state and you should get their routing number(s) for that location.
If that sounds good just use this link:
Deerwood Bank in Waite Park, Minnesota to get their routing number

The following is a listing of all branch offices for Deerwood Bank - below that are any complaints and ratings available as well as the ability to leave a rating and or a review yourself if you wish :)
To find branches near you it is usually easiest to enter the bank, city, and state in the search box below. Or search by your city at
Banks by State
Pages: 1
Pages: 1
Average Customer Rating
2 out of 5 stars from 3 reviews.
5123-Deerwood Bank
Reviews[-] means a part of a review was redacted. Names, profanity, phone numbers, account numbers, and email addresses being the main reasons. False positives happen as well, better to ere on the side of safety we think.
Reviewed on March 29 2022 by Megan F
[-] is rude and took a picture of [-] today without permission. corporate was contacted
Reviewed on August 12 2019 by Patricia T
Reviewed on March 01 2019 by JD D
I love your bank one of [-] most it [-] and knowlegdeables staffs I have seen that [-] lady always is helpful and makes [-] feel special
The following are other names Deerwood Bank has been known by over the years:
In 2015 their name became: Deerwood Bank.
The following addresses are where Deerwood Bank has had their headquarters:
Moved From: MAIN STREET to Main Street, Deerwood, MN 56444.
Moved From: MAIN STREET to 21236 Archibald Road, Deerwood, MN 56444.
Moved From: 21236 ARCHIBALD ROAD to 131 6th Avenue South, Suite 100, Waite Park, MN 56387.
The following shows transitions that are what have ultimately result in Deerwood Bank becoming what it is today, for better or worse.
Northland Community Bank (2005)
American Bank of St. Paul (2015)
Plaza Park State Bank (2018)