Commercial State Bank has 1 banking locations. Their corporate headquarters address is listed as: 20 Circle Dr in Republican City Nebraska.
This corporate page for Commercial State Bank includes ratings, links to all Commercial State Bank branch profiles locations, reviews, corporate details, directions, their phone number, and branch locations.
Commercial State Bank Corporate Headquarters Address:
Commercial State Bank
20 Circle Dr
Republican City, Nebraska 68971
Get mobile directions from current location:
or enter a starting address:
Commercial State Bank Headquarters Phone Number:
(308) 799-2885
If you are not looking for their corporate location, but a Commercial State Bank branch location close to you or somewhere else:
Simply enter the city and/or zip code below, and we will return all Commercial State Bank branches in that area.
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Commercial State Bank Location Area Map
Bank's Headquarters:
20 Circle Dr
Republican City, Nebraska 68971
Became FDIC Insured:
Bank Class:
Commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember, supervised by the FDIC.
Last Structure Change:
Bank Specialty/Focus:
Agricultural Specialization
Bank Holding Company:
Parent FDIC Cert#:
NA - Not listed as a child of a larger bank.
Deposits Held Domestically:
Equity Capital:
FDIC Supervisory Region:
Kansas City
Federal Reserve District:
Kansas City
FDIC Field Office:
Grand Island
The ABA allows 2 lookups per day. You will have to agree to their terms and fill out their search box with the bank's name, city, and select the state and you should get their routing number(s) for that location.
If that sounds good just use this link:
Commercial State Bank in Republican City, Nebraska to get their routing number

The following is a listing of all branch offices for Commercial State Bank - below that are any complaints and ratings available as well as the ability to leave a rating and or a review yourself if you wish :)
To find branches near you it is usually easiest to enter the bank, city, and state in the search box below. Or search by your city at
Banks by State
Pages: 1
Pages: 1
Average Customer Rating
4 out of 5 stars from 19 reviews.
1986-Commercial State Bank
Reviews[-] means a part of a review was redacted. Names, profanity, phone numbers, account numbers, and email addresses being the main reasons. False positives happen as well, better to ere on the side of safety we think.
Reviewed on September 15 2021 by Feliberto I
Reviewed on September 15 2021 by Feliberto I
Reviewed on September 05 2021 by Feliberto I
Reviewed on August 28 2021 by Feliberto I
Reviewed on August 19 2021 by Feliberto I
Reviewed on August 03 2021 by John S
No Bank of [-] in Guayaquil!
Reviewed on April 28 2021 by Mohammad a
Reviewed on April 12 2021 by Atty J
I am [-] Australian Attorney wishing to contact Bank of [-] Manila Philippines by email re encasement of travellers checks
Reviewed on February 26 2020 by David
Makati Bank of [-] branch only provides banking services to businesses. If you only have a personal account, you are not going to make a withdrawal or deposit here. They moved from 8747 Paseo [-] Roxas Street
[-] [-], Makati City
1209 Metro Manila
Paseo [-] Roxas corner Ayala Avenue
1209 Metro Manila
Reviewed on February 26 2020 by David
Makati Bank of [-] branch only provides banking services to businesses. If you only have a personal account, you are not going to make a withdrawal or deposit here. They moved from 8747 Paseo [-] Roxas Street
[-] [-], Makati City
1209 Metro Manila
Paseo [-] Roxas corner Ayala Avenue
1209 Metro Manila
Reviewed on November 30 2019 by Andrea O
Reviewed on November 15 2019 by Jack W
They have moved to Cheung Kong Centre, [-] information on this website is outdated. There is a Bank of [-] [-] but that is only because of naming rights, there is no branch inside.
Reviewed on November 05 2019 by Don
It's not there. Fake address
Reviewed on October 18 2019 by André T
Bonjour, je souhaiterais ouvrir un compte chez vous [-]é à une carte bancaire.
Reviewed on August 02 2019 by Yolanda F
I have used their services: wire transfers for [-] past two years and only had one problem of funds not reaching this bank. It was due to one little simple mistake by [-] U.S. branch. Other than that, there were no other [-].
Reviewed on June 28 2019 by Wienhold, F
I would to [-] [-] account with you regarding our [-] with US
Reviewed on October 28 2018 by Gerson S
requisitos para abrir cuenta en panamá como extranjero
Reviewed on October 19 2018 by Ruwet
On 18th october we receveid on our bank account BE38 0015 0942 4272 (Lampiris SA) [-] amount of 976 € from your account BE51686643402562 with communication : /B/[-] CAN AMB 916/5 5 71/67663. Is that a mistake of can you give [-] more informations about that?
Can you answer by [-] at [-] following adress : [-]?
Thanks in [-].
[-] Ruwet
Reviewed on August 26 2018 by Mauricio j
The following addresses are where Commercial State Bank has had their headquarters:
Moved From: MAIN STREET to 20 Circle Drive, Republican City, NE 68971.